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Richard Wilson

May 01, 1961 ~ October 09, 2023

Richard Wilson, 62, of Sebastian, FL, passed away October 9, 2023.

Mr. Wilson entered the U.S. Navy in 1983 and retired in 2007 as rank of Chief Warrant Officer 4. During his time in the service, he worked as a Navy officer, cryptologist, and Diplomat military attaché. He worked on tracking data lite and spacecraft in Woomera. He crewed on aircraft carriers and on destroyers, submarines, and classified craft. He worked also as Signal Analysis Operations, and was stationed all over the world including Australia, Spain, Turkey, Iran, Bahrain, Israel, Madagascar.

Rich was faithful in love and friendship. He shared with his family his love of literary works, and poetry. A melophile who had a good knowledge of music. He loved playing, having fun with his grandkids via video, facetime or in person. He liked playing chess since childhood and was also an expert ham radio operator. He was proud to be in the Navy, serving his country and always had a Navy story to share. He enjoyed working on cars, liked to fish and hunt. He went hunting with Charlie Daniels of Country music fame, he escorted Ashley Judd the actress in Madagascar as she inaugurated a medical center.

Mr. Wilson was preceded in death by his sister Dana Holloway.
He is survived by the love of his life Perline; his mother, Rebecca; his father, David and wife; sister, Cathy and husband, Gerald; niece, Katelin; brother, Anthony; brother, Christopher his son, Dominique and wife, Alexia of Vancouver; daughter, Malala and husband, Nicolas of Chateauroux; daughter, Ary and husband, Philippe of Paris; daughter, Fara and husband, Charlie of Antananarivo; his grandkids, Andie of Aix-en-Provence, Sarah of Antananarivo, Mariah and Raphael of Vancouver. He left behind his loving friends in Tennessee, in Florida and his community.

Mr. Rich Wilson was a parishioner of Saint Sebastian Catholic Church and an active member of the Holy Name Society. He had received the anointment of the sick.

A service will be held on a later date.

Memorial Contributions may be made to Holy Name Society of Saint Sebastian Catholic Church, Attn: Gloria, 13075 US Hwy 1, Sebastian, FL 32958, 772-589-5790, in memory of Rich Wilson.

Arrangements are under the direction of Millennium Cremation Service, Sebastian. Condolences may be shared online at


“When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world and am free.”

By Wendell Berry
(Ricky/Rich ‘s favorite poem)


Bruce Leybourne

October 13, 2023, 3:12 pm

Rich was a good friend and defender of our country, he will be missed by all. Rest In Peace Buddy

Suzanne Fulkerson

October 13, 2023, 3:23 pm

Our deepest sympathy to the loving family of dear Richard. We mourn his loss & celebrate a life well lived. Much love & prayers from his Tennessee cousins Suzanne & Stuart Fulkerson & Auntie Rosalie.

Don Iskra

October 13, 2023, 3:30 pm

God bless our friend Rich , his wife
Perline and his family
Love Don and Miriam Iskra

Betty Talley

October 13, 2023, 3:45 pm

The world has lost a true gentleman. My heart goes out to Perline & the family.

Corinne et Richard Conforti

October 13, 2023, 3:53 pm

Nous avons été heureux de rencontrer Richard, très triste de le voir partir si jeune
Toutes nos condoléances à Perline,Rebecca et le reste de sa famille

Anne Branca

October 13, 2023, 6:25 pm

We are so sorry for your loss. May you be comforted in cherished memories. Our prayers and love are with you.

Ony Razafindratovo & Family

October 13, 2023, 8:25 pm

Dear Beloved Perline, We are sorry for you loss and that you are going through this, Our heartfelt condolences to you and your family. We pray for peace and comfort for you at this difficult time and sending our warm thoughts and deepest sympathy. May God Bless You and grant you all you need. Your best pals in Darnestown, Gaithersburg, namely Ony, Onjatiana, Heritovo, Fenosoa, and Mirija. You will always be in our prayers.

Ony Razafindratovo & Family

October 13, 2023, 8:28 pm

Dear Beloved Perline, Sorry for you loss and that you are going through this. We offer you our heartfelt condolences. We pray for peace and comfort for you at this difficult time and sending our warm thoughts and deepest sympathy. May God Bless You and grant you all you need.

Maryellen warner

October 13, 2023, 11:34 pm

My prayers and thoughts go out to you and the family. Sounds like he lived a very interesting and full life. May the angels above care for and nurture his soul. God has received a very wonderful man. May your memories ease your grief in the days to come. Take care of yourself. Maryellen

Mary Norris

October 13, 2023, 11:53 pm

This was such a beautiful tribute to a wonderful human. I had to look up “melophile.” I enjoyed getting to know Rich when he and Perline were in Washington. He was always friendly, kind, funny, and fun to be around. I’m saddened by his passing, and send my love to Perline and the whole family at this most difficult time.

Sammy Wilcox

October 14, 2023, 3:02 pm

Perline and Mom,

Rich was a brother to me. Whenever either of us were down and out, we were there for each other through the good times and the roughest times . He was my shipmate through war and peace. We will always shared that bond. He will always be with us and I know he wants the family to know he’s at peace watching over you. My prayers are with you and the family.


Don and Kathy Gordon

October 14, 2023, 3:13 pm

Rich was a friend and gentleman. He was an avid volunteer at Riverrun, and we will miss him.

Bob & Annette Miraglia

October 14, 2023, 3:40 pm

Our deepest condolences to you and your family. Rich was a gentleman and a pleasure to talk to.

Fara Rasoarinoro

October 14, 2023, 6:09 pm

Notre Papa Rich.
Il était bien plus qu’un proche, il était un père d’une attention particulière, toujours prêt à écouter et à comprendre. Sa bienveillance a été une source d’enrichissement inestimable dans nos vies. Nous garderons en mémoire les moments chéris que nous avons partagés avec lui, et sa compassion continuera à nous inspirer. Il restera à jamais gravé dans nos cœurs.
Que ton âme repose en paix notre Papa Rich adoré

Yvonne and Darrell

October 14, 2023, 6:44 pm

Our deepest sympathy to Rebecca and her family. Our prayers are with you.
Love Yvonne &Hank

Edwige Saholisoa and Valentina Holy Soa

October 14, 2023, 7:09 pm

We are so sorry for your loss. Our deepest condolences are to you Perline and to your family. Our prayers are with you. May he rest in peace.

Jackie Ramanitrera

October 14, 2023, 7:37 pm

Dear Perline, We are truly sorry for your loss. Please accept my and my family’s deepest condolences during this difficult time. May fond memories of Rick bring you comfort during this hard time in your life. Our heart and prayers go out to you and your family.
From Jackie, Tiana, Toky, Mirana and Tojo Ramanitrera

Ary Agede

October 14, 2023, 7:41 pm

Dear Papa,
I can’t believe I’m writing you here, on this page. I miss you so much… It doesn’t make sense to leave so soon. You were supposed to keep teaching me how to play chess, you were even supposed to record yourself in case I don’t remember the rules. What I am going to do now? I miss you terribly, I see you everywhere, I often listen to your voicemails, which make me feel a little better. I hope you are as happy up there, to meet auntie Dana. Keep a warm place for us because one day we will all get together and watch movies together like we used to. I love you, my Papa.

Voahirana Rabe

October 14, 2023, 8:27 pm

Mes condoléances Perline. Je comprends que c’est une dure épreuve de vivre la perte de quelqu’un qui nous est cher, mais je sais que tu es forte. Que Dieu bénisse et protėge votre famille.
De ta tendre et chère amie Voahirana & sa famille.

Dorothy Ntengerenji from Zambia, Africa

October 14, 2023, 8:54 pm

Heartfelt condolences. Wishing you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories of your beloved one to forever hold in your heart.

Nini Rahantaniaina & famille

October 14, 2023, 9:03 pm

Chère Perline & famille, Nous vous témoignons nos sincères condoléances pour la perte de votre cher Rich. Nous vous garderons en prière et partageons votre douleur.

Fara R.

October 14, 2023, 9:28 pm

Dear Perline and Family, I am so sorry for your loss. Rich will always be remembered as the fun-loving guy that he was. I am so glad to have known him and share a few laughs with him. My deepest sympathy goes out to you during this difficult time. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Patricia Raobelina Ravelomanantsoa

October 14, 2023, 11:33 pm

Dear Perline and Family,

May you find comfort in knowing that he is now resting in peace, and that he lived a beautiful life surrounded by people he loved.

Patricia and family

Thomas Herlehy

October 15, 2023, 4:56 pm

Rasoa! We are so sorry for your loss. We know how good you two were together. We hope you can find comfort in all the good memories you have of your brief time together. God bless you and give you the strength to cope with this heart-breaking loss. Hugs from Tom & Mary Herlehy

Andie Malala

October 15, 2023, 8:51 pm

A notre Papi adoré, quelqu’un d’unique, qui avait la joie de vivre et qui nous donnait toujours le sourire
Tu seras toujours dans nos cœur
I will always love you


October 16, 2023, 6:48 am

Cher Papi Rich,

Je n’ai pas eu l’occasion de beaucoup vous connaître, mais le peu de rencontre que nous avons eu m’ont montré à quel point vous aimiez vos enfants, petits enfants et votre femme, cela même sans lien de sang,

Je souhaite de tout mon cœur que votre chemin vers l’au delà ce passe sans encombre.

Darrel Bishop

October 16, 2023, 1:16 pm

Rich was a wonderful friend who was always smiling. He will be missed.

Philippe AGEDE

October 16, 2023, 4:14 pm

Cher Papa Rich,
Je suis sur la terrasse assis sur une chaise à côté de la table en métal, là où nous avions l’habitude de discuter. Il fait beau, il y a du vent, les bambous se plient sans jamais casser, d’ailleurs en les voyant je n’arrive toujours pas à réaliser. J’entends les branches qui craquent, c’est un écureuil qui vient de bondir sur la palissade.
Je me suis installé sur la terrasse car je pense que c’est le meilleur endroit pour t’écrire ces quelques mots et puis c’est à cet endroit que nous avons eu notre première conversation lorsque Ary m’a présenté. Je t’ai raconté d’où je venais, de notre rencontre avec Ary, nous avons échangé sur nos métiers respectifs pour lesquels nous avions quelques points communs, notamment dans les valeurs. Ce qui m’a beaucoup marqué, c’est la passion avec laquelle tu m’as parlé de ton attachement à la Navy et surtout à ta famille et puis tu m’as épelé mon nom et mon prénom en code Morse haha! J’ai tout de suite vu un homme d’une grande valeur, intelligent, une personne aimante.
À notre arrivée chez vous, j’ai fait le tour de la maison pour te chercher, ma voix silencieuse criait « hey Papa Rich, we´re here », mais sans grande surprise je ne t’ai pas trouvé et je savais que tu n’allais pas me répondre. Mais je m’obstine, je veux te voir, j’ai donc des images de toi qui apparaissent et qui défilent à grande vitesse, je te vois sourire, rigoler, t’asseoir dans ton fauteuil et mettre tes lunettes, apprendre à jouer aux échecs à Ary, me parler musique et de tes films préférés. Je me rappelle aussi de nos ballades en voiture pendant lesquelles tu avais toujours une histoire à me raconter, tes nombreux voyages et conseils avisés sur des sujets diverses et variés, qu’est ce que tu en savais des choses, quiconque parlait avec toi ou prêtait un minimum d’attention pouvait beaucoup apprendre. Je me souviens également de notre premier Noël, je nous revois devant le sapin avec nos petits costumes, et nos cadeaux dont toi et Neny vous vous étiez fait une joie d’emballer et de nous offrir.
Papa Rich, tu vas me manquer, jamais je n’aurais cru qu’un jour j’allais venir et ne plus te voir. J’espère que tout se passe mieux pour toi là-haut et que tu peux lire tous ces jolis messages à ton attention. Tu étais aimé et admiré par de nombreuses personnes et ne t’inquiète pas, Neny et Grand mère sont entre de bonnes mains.
L’écureuil est revenu, il est de nouveau sur la palissade, il m’observe avec insistance et avance de plus en plus près, comme c’est curieux, on dirait qu’il veut me parler, peut-être veut-il me réconforter. Après tout c’est normal, je pleure.

Carol Wise

October 16, 2023, 5:50 pm

Dear Perline and Family my sincere sympathy for your loss. Rich will
certainly be missed by all who knew him especially his smile. You
will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Carol Wise

Jeanette Missel

October 17, 2023, 2:49 pm

Rich was a good friend to us. Love having him for dinner or just to hang out in Pensacola. Meet him and Perline for dinner. Was the first time we had met Perline she was so wonderful you could tell Rich loved her so much. He brought his mother for dinner when she visited Pensacola such a lovely lady and she loved her son.
Rich, Kevin, myself and Jason and Cheyenne will miss you. All our prayers go to the family. RIP my friend.
Jeanette & Kevin Missel


October 17, 2023, 3:44 pm

Miss Perline it is with great sadness to know your husband have left my heartfelt prayers and love for u and yr family this time of such precious loss.Hold onto his love his,smile his words of advice.I felt his heart and concern for our school and he supported us. I remember how he rushed to get u from Orlando. I ask him he go there so quick he said when you call. He is on his way. Only time can heal but not replace take all the time u need. love u and will keep you in our prayers
From Dr Rolle, the Staff and faculty and students.
Charr_Nix,s New Generation
School of Beauty .
Vero Beach Fl

Avotra Rakotomavo

October 18, 2023, 4:15 pm

Chère Tatie,

C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous apprenons la disparition de ta moitié.
Nous t’adressons, ainsi qu’à toute la famille, nos sincères condoléances.
Nos pensées et nos prières vous accompagnent.

Toky et Avotra

Koto Be

October 18, 2023, 4:28 pm

“Losing someone so close is so hard. We will be here to support you at any time and any hour. Sending you so much love.

Sam Ko Thoy

October 18, 2023, 5:22 pm

Nos sincères condoléances. Famille SAM KO THOY

Jim Corn

October 18, 2023, 9:28 pm

I was deeply saddened to learn of Richard’s passing. I served with Rich aboard USS WASP in the early 90’s. He was a true shipmate, a fine leader and mentor to his sailors. He and I shared many late night conversations down in the First Class POs mess… sometimes about work, sometimes just talking.
Rich, you’ll be missed. But, I’ll see you someday in Fiddler’s Green.

Dave and Carol Henson

October 18, 2023, 10:46 pm

Carol and I wish to pass along our condolences on the loss of Rich. I first met him in Spain when he was a young sailor, and watched him mature into a true professional and an outstanding leader. We’re going to miss him.

Cynthia Lee

October 18, 2023, 11:38 pm

I’m so sad to hear of Rich’s passing! Perline and family, I am devastated for you! He’s been a good shipmate and friend. Fair Winds, dear Rich!

John Harrison a.k.a Mug 80

October 19, 2023, 4:44 am

So sad, Rich and I spoke regularly, I only spoke to him a little while ago. R.I.P Mug 81. Condolences and prayers to Perline and family.

Douglas Hansen

October 19, 2023, 5:48 am

Our sincerest condolences, thoughts and prayers are with you Perline and family. Although we have never met he spoke very highly of you and Family. He was a great friend and shipmate! We had many great times in Woomera, SA where we were stationed together. Fair Winds and Following Seas Shipmate! You will be missed but never forgotten.
Douglas and Silvia Hansen

Norman Reed (Speedo) Elery

October 19, 2023, 7:41 pm

I met Rick in Woomera Australia. He was a player on our softball team called the Me-offs. Everyone on the team had a nickname, followed by Me-Off. I was pay me off. we also had a dust, finger, Piss , Jack ,Run, etc…Being Navy, Rick’s name was SHIP ME-OFF. Great time spent with a great person. Godspeed Ship…

Tom and Terri

October 20, 2023, 12:28 am

So sorry to hear about Rich. Our thoughts and prayers to your family. Such a good man! God bless

Tom and Terri

October 20, 2023, 12:29 am

So sorry to hear about Rich. Our thoughts and prayers to your family. Such a good man! God bless.

Gang Ceann

October 20, 2023, 2:49 am

Fair winds and following seas…

Cathy Allison

October 20, 2023, 4:24 am

Ms. Perline and family, I was saddened to read about Rich’s passing. He always had a kind word of encouragement when you were down. Sending prayers and condolences to all of you. May he R.I.P. Fair Winds and Following Seas, Rich.

Jeremy Bigeon

October 20, 2023, 6:42 pm

All our thoughts and prays for Richard !


October 20, 2023, 6:44 pm

All my condolences !
Our prayers for Richard

Mike Main

October 21, 2023, 9:39 pm

My condolences. So sorry to hear of Richard’s passing. I served with Rich on the USS WASP in the 90’s. I met up with him a couple of times over recent years. May he rest in peace.

Sandy (Knight) Wakeley

October 23, 2023, 2:54 am

Have fun building the next Harley Bar. Play a game of darts with Daddy for me.


October 26, 2023, 6:52 pm

Dear Pierline, Ary

Sorry for your loss. It was a sad news but may he rest in peace.
God Bless

Jerry and Fran Venema

October 29, 2023, 10:40 pm

It is with profound sadness we mourn the loss of Rich. Our hearts and sincere prayers go forth as you grieve and remember a life well lead. Peace be with you dear Perline and the entire family.

Lena Nielsen

November 8, 2023, 11:50 am

Dear Perline and family. We are so sorry to hear about your loss. All our warmest thoughts goes to you these days. Always remember that you have friends and family in Norway who loves you.

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Recent Reviews

  • The service from Millennium was outstanding. Rachel was sweet, personable and very comforting. It was important to me that my dad was kept locally where I knew where he would be. Very nice facility, state of the art and quality of my fathers remains were so refined compared to my mothers years ago. I highly recommend this place for an affordable choice for your loved one. Thank you for making an already stressful event easy. With high regards, the Esposito and Keith Family.

    Esposito and Keith Family

    Vero Beach
  • Millennium Cremation provided a fantastic service to our family at a difficult time. Our beloved mother passed away in Vero Beach and the rest of the family was in other parts of the country. Due to the Covid health crisis, none of us could get to Vero Beach in person. That's where Millennium took over. They helped us manage everything, coordinated with a cemetery in Maine, managed the obituaries, expedited all the paperwork, and even delivered an important document locally that saved us days. Funeral director Rachel was a godsend, and she made it clear what she was going to do, and what we needed to do. If you know what you want, Millennium is highly recommended, and the savings versus the full service mortuaries is significant.

    M. Cross

    Vero Beach

Direct Cremation Fee Includes

  • Transportation from the place of death to our family owned crematory
  • Basic alternative cremation container
  • Refrigeration of your loved one
  • Cremation performed by our crematory professional
  • Securing all required authorizations
  • Filing the death certificate
  • Notifying social security administration
  • If veteran, filing for free US flag
  • Assisting with newspaper obituaries
  • Cremains are returned to you in a temporary container

Other Fees That May Apply

  • Medical Examiner (fees vary by county)
  • Transportation outside 35 miles
  • Death certificates (fees vary by county)
  • Newspaper Obituaries (fee charged by newspaper)
  • Keepsakes
  • Permanent Urn
  • Jewelry
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