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Carole Ann Kennedy

August 28, 1942 ~ March 16, 2021

Carole Ann Kennedy went to heaven on March 16th, 2021.

She was born Carole Ann Margadonna. She was born with wings that could span the universe.

Mom learned how to be independent, resilient, and resourceful quite early in life. It has been said that she started working at 11 (though this has not been validated as of yet) and by the age of 18 she crossed the country from Rhode Island to California and back again.

Mom could stretch a dollar like no one else. Mom always had more than one job. Nursery schoolteacher by day, waitress or chewing gum surveyor by night (her trunk was filled with gum!) Housing Director by day, realtor by night. Yet one of mom’s happiest days was her retirement day (giving birth, to Tricia, was a close second).

When it came to her role as a mother, mom took no prisoners. She had one clear mission; to raise her children to become strong, independent, responsible, and principled adults. To accomplish her goal, she was quite creative. She mastered the art of designing the most intricate ‘chore charts. She seemed to know exactly how to try to keep us out of trouble. Responsibility and Attitude, that is what she preached. And when it came to her daughters, bedtime stories were definitely not about knights in armor saving damsels in distress. No, mom’s bedtime stories were about working women who knew how to rely on themselves to meet their own needs and fulfill their own desires.

Three of mom’s four kids were in diapers at the same time and she still managed to perfect the art of the “english muffin” pizza. They were a staple in our house. Mom’s love for her children was related to how obedient they were and if her kid’s friends were respectful, she loved them just as much, often taking one in if they needed a place to stay for a while.

She gave the best advice, some of her most memorable quotes were, “There is a place for everything, and everything has its place” and if anything was ‘out of place’ you would hear about it. Other classic ‘Carol-isms’ were, “Your ass is grass and I’m the lawn mower”, or “I’ll give you something to cry about” and the frequently heard “food for thought”. She also had several favorite swear words, that we cannot repeat here.

While raising her 4 wild and wonderful kids’ mom could often be found sitting at the kitchen table, talking on the phone & doodling as she doled out advice to those who sought her out for her famous words of wisdom.

Mom could be quite competitive; she was a ruthless card-player. You wanted to be on her team as you were sure to win. You did not want to be her opponent as it was certain she would be on your case if you did not follow the rules (rules she at times made up to favor her card shark skills).

Mom was an ‘enigma’; she defied science. On the outside she was tough & bossy, yet she had limitless compassion. She was a strict follower of rules yet broke the speed limit whenever she was behind the wheel. If you misplaced her scissors, there would be hell to pay, but if you called her from a police station in need of bail money she was in the car before you were done telling the story.

Mom mastered the art of not only telling others what to do, but also telling them how to do it. She was not to be questioned, ever. She had no time for nonsense and suffered no fools, but if faced with that game, she could play better than anyone.

When it came to decorating, mom missed her calling. At any given moment something in her home was being upgraded, revised, or renovated. She was also a consummate and meticulous organizer. In her kitchen, mom cooked only when she felt like it & no one was allowed in when she was working her magic, she did not want to deal with a mess.

Our mom had a beautiful voice. Not too many people know this but as a child, she sang on the radio. Growing up, whether in our home or in the car, the radio would be on and mom would be singing. It was lovely to hear her.

Mom was never one to brag about herself, but she loved bragging about her children. She herself was not showy, but she was good at showing off those around her. She may never have told you directly how she felt about you, but you can be sure everyone else around her knew.

Mom was a trusted friend to more people than one could count. She had ‘street cred’ and she could hold her own in any formal debate. We have been told that many friends and family members are scrambling to find their Power of Attorney replacements. People were drawn to her for her trustworthiness, professionalism, business savvy and sound advice.

Raising her kids on one income, one would think mom would have been more prudent with her money. She was generous, always surprising you with a little gift and you knew not to mess with her about paying the check when you were out to dinner together, you would get the ‘stink eye’ if you even broached the subject.

Mom loved jewelry, buying it, altering it, and giving it away. She never had enough fingers for all the rings she acquired. Luckily, her daughters have fingers to spare so her jewels will sparkle on.

Carole is survived by her 3 witty, intelligent, and beautiful daughters Lynn, Tricia and Kelly and her artistic son Raymond. She was also blessed with two smart, handsome sons-in-law, Sam and JP. She also had too many grand dogs to count, she loved them all equally but Jackson she loved the most.

Moms 6 sister’s-in-law; Peggy, Pat, Maureen, Sue, Phyllis, and Sharon, she considered to be one of the best things she got out of her marriage (besides her four fabulous children).

Mom was always surrounded by friends, so many were close to her heart, there are too many to mention but please know she loved you all, just not equally.

We can assuredly say that everything Carole did, she did for those she loved, especially her children… and mostly Lynn.

She will be missed every hour of every day and every minute of every hour.

She always said she did not want a funeral or a wake, she disliked being the center of attention, so she asked that we have a celebration of her life, a big fun party with good food and music. Mom will get her life celebration in two states, both in Florida and Rhode Island once COVID 19 is behind us.

In lieu of flowers or donations, her family asks you to plant a deciduous tree in a location of your choosing.

We love you, Mom.

……..And if you must know, she took a pen to this tribute and it is being published with her full permission.


Online condolences maybe expressed at


Patrick Gallagher

March 18, 2021, 3:32 pm

This is a wonderful remembrance of your mom.

Cathy Pellegrino

March 18, 2021, 3:46 pm

This OBIT had to have been on her LIST!!!!!
Our dear friend will be missed
It was an honor to know and be friends with Carole.

Janet Sigman

March 18, 2021, 4:17 pm

So sorry for your loss. I have to say I was on the receiving end of her card game and being a newbie when I messed up I knew it. She will truly be missed.


March 18, 2021, 5:27 pm

Mario Neri
March 18, 2021

Carole always had a smile on her face to brighten one’s day.

I will particularly miss the many funnies she shared with me on Facebook.

May she rest in peace.

Claude & Luanne Bonvoulooir

March 18, 2021, 5:33 pm

We’re so sorry to hear of Carole’s passing. What an incredible tribute to your mom. Sending love and sympathy to you all

Cheryl Jackson

March 18, 2021, 5:48 pm

To Carole’s Daughters, my sincere condolences to all of you. Your Mom was one of a kind, we always had fun around her and she was a great sincere and caring person. I just love the trips she took you on the last few years!!! What a Mom!! She was also a wonderful housing director and colleague. Cheryl Jackson

Mary Beth Rossi

March 18, 2021, 6:26 pm

Tricia, Lynn and Kelly,

I am so sorry about the passing of your beautiful, kind and funny mom. I always loved spending time with her and I admired her tenacity and strong spirit as a single mom. She raised all
Of you to be kind, funny, generous and loving women and her memory will continue to live on in you and all of your stories. This is such a beautiful tribute to her and to your love for her. I was laughing through tears as I read this. A tree will be planted in my yard for her and I would love for you to come see it and spend some time. Love to you all

Mary Burgess

March 18, 2021, 8:43 pm

Such a great tribute. I will always remember how she was genuinely interested in our lives. If she asked it was because she truly wanted to know and took the time to listen. Aunt Carole will be missed by so many, including this Niece-in-Law.

John & Joyce Kennedy

March 18, 2021, 8:47 pm

Dear family: John and I will miss all the fun times and great debates we shared over the years. Time spent with Carole and the Kennedy girls at Carpenters and here in Florida are all loving, fun and precious memories. Loved this beautiful testimony of her life, love and kindness to all who touched her. By faith we believe Carole has just gone on to a new eternal adventure and will be joyously awaiting for her friends and family one day. Until then cherish each and every memory you have. You have our deepest sympathy.

Jackie Hutchins

March 18, 2021, 8:49 pm

What a great lady . Carol was always there to help anyone and make sure what ever was to be done was done right. Never afraid to put you in your place or tell you her thoughts. Loved that about her.Alway made for lively conversations.We will miss her at my Birthday party in May.we had many good out to dinner party’s and a lot of laughs.
Hope the family knows how much she meant to us and please accept our condolences.
Love Glen and Jackie

Bethany Winpenny

March 18, 2021, 9:42 pm

Tricia, Lynn and Kelly, I am so sorry to hear of Carol’s passing. We had a lot of good times together. Sincerely Tom and Jean Kennedy

Sylvia Vignali

March 18, 2021, 9:42 pm

Sylvia Vignali

I could read for hours your tribute to your mom, so may beautiful time to remember and cherish. The bucket list a great tribute you girls planed for her and what a time she had.
Carole the lady I met moving in to my beach house 2006, that infectious laugh those mystery novels the deck out side her cottage her chair; not sure it will be the same, all I know she was my friend, I will miss her terribly. RIP Carole we will meet again.

Lucille Bergeron

March 18, 2021, 11:28 pm

I am taking your place when playing cards. I will miss you but I know time flus so I’m not far behind. You and Gail were there for me so many times there was no way to repay you. S piece my ❤ has gone with you. You friend Lucy

carol majeau

March 19, 2021, 12:19 am

Sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Lynn todd

March 19, 2021, 3:14 am

Kelly,Lynn,and Tricia, I will never forget your mom. I feel so blessed to have been a part of your family for over 40years. Carole being my second mom, so many wonderful memories. I too remember those infamous chore charts of hers, chores rotated every week. I remember helping out so Kelly and I could go out. Her American chop suey. Was my favorite , our trips to wright’s farm I could go on and on. I loved Carole and will miss her but I will plant a tree in my yard in her memory and remember all the good times. You are all I’m my thoughts and prayers all my love Lynn Henry Todd

Linda Levasseur

March 19, 2021, 12:07 pm

She was a loving and kind soul! I can attest to her card playing and strict rules, lol! May she Rest In Peace.

Susan Ansley

March 19, 2021, 2:21 pm

Carol was a loyal and trusted friend to many. She did so much for others never asking for anything in return. I consider myself lucky to have known such a wonderful person like Carol. I know she is in heaven with her bestie Gail they were cut from the same cloth. She was a gentle soul until she was playing card. Many times I got her hairy eyeballs on me if I made a mistake or we lost. She would say I don’t like to lose. Jesus must have been so excited to put His arms around her and say welcome my friend. Yes on March 16th she hit the Royal jackpot. Rest In Peace until we meet again. Love Sue

Donna and Anthony Pagano

March 19, 2021, 11:14 pm

Hi Trish lyn kelly and ray I will always hold your mom carol dear to my heart. She is with my dad ray costa it’s donna and she will be missed and never forgotten love to all and gid bless you at the time of this great loss live you all rest in peace carol

Anthony R Chernasky

March 19, 2021, 11:51 pm

To All of you. That was a really beautiful tribute to your mom. I am sure my mother would have approved.She loved her dearly. I can’t tell you how many times your mom has helped our family in one form or another. She was always there.In the good times and the bad times. We will be forever grateful. She will truly be missed.

Carolyn Berridge

March 20, 2021, 3:21 am

Can’t find the words to express how much we all loved you. When I saw you recently, I told you our card games will never be the same. One thing I know for sure is that I will no longer have to get there early and check where you were sitting, then choose my seat to enable me to be your partner. It didn’t always work but just having you there meant the world to all of us. I have been blessed to have had you for a friend,,,a warm, caring true friend. I will miss you terribly. Rest In Peace.

Stephen Lachapelle

March 21, 2021, 1:55 pm

We are so sorry for your loss. Aunt Carole will surely be missed, we loved her very much. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love, Stephen, Jackie & family

Stephen Lachapelle

March 21, 2021, 5:10 pm

We are so sorry for your loss. Aunt Carole will be missed, we loved her very much. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love, Stephen, Jackie & family

Becky Wrobel

March 22, 2021, 11:08 pm

You don’t know where to begin. You’ve been such inspirational to me I’m blessed that you’ve been in my life and with the tear in my eye I have to say goodbye I love you forever. RIP my angel.

Barbara Iannucci

March 23, 2021, 12:36 am

So sorry to hear of the loss of your mom. Carol was a straight shooter. She was the real deal as we say. Very generous and giving to anyone who needed her. Although during the pandemic I missed seeing her in Florida and Rhode Island last year she will be remembered as a kind generous person who made an impression on all that knew her. The memories will keep her in your heart forever. RIP

Jane Jones

March 27, 2021, 4:30 pm

Lynn, Trisha, Kelly, Raymond,

Gosh, this remembrance of your mom made me laugh and cry – so very well written. Kudos to you all.

I’m so glad I got to see her in Rhode Island a couple years ago. Even that short visit included an escapade!

I’ve been lucky enough to know three great women in my life, who were the best people I’ve ever met. And of these three, Carole is queen.

Hope to see you in Rhode Island someday soon to commemorate her life.

Love and condolences, Jane

Dr. Curt J. Urban, Carol Urban, and Staff

March 28, 2021, 9:23 pm

Dr. & Mrs. Curt J. Urban, and Staff
Sebastian, FL.

We would like to offer our condolences to the family of Carole Ann Kennedy.
Carole was a wonderful dental patient of ours since January 2009.
The tribute that was prepared by her family depicting her entire life is so complete,
interesting, and very well thought out and phenomenal.

May she now have everlasting peace with God in His Kingdom of Heaven.

David StGermain

August 28, 2021, 2:26 pm

I only recently heard of Carole’s death. She was a remarkable person and friend and I often think of her dearly. The tribute to Carole authored by her children and edited by her was a fitting and accurate account of her wonderful life and the truly wonderful person she always strived to be. I will never forget the look on her face when I mushed a piece of lemon in her face. Rest peacefully Carole.

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Direct Cremation Fee Includes

  • Transportation from the place of death to our family owned crematory
  • Basic alternative cremation container
  • Refrigeration of your loved one
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